Banco de la Provincia de Neuquén - Argentina

Development of digital channels for a financial institution

The project


Banco de la provincia de Neuquén - Argentina

The main objective of the bank was to achieve transparency in the information on its financial products to give a better service to its customers; thereby, increasing the loyalty of new customers and recurring users.

BPN is a commercial, agile and sustainable financial entity. It is the leading bank in customer care quality at a regional level
Financial institutions / Finance

The process

By listening to customer needs, we were able to define a strategy based on information, content, creativity and technology. And the best way to achieve it was to develop an institutional web platform and a mobile application to improve communication, service and user experience.
Get Ready
Get Ready
At this stage, we worked to define what would be the user/customer journey according to their needs. That is, the user experience was defined, including high-fidelity wireframes and visual designs (mockups) on how the final result would look and work. Once approved, we launched an agile and technical production plan, detailed to advance its development.
The result was an entirely tailor-made web platform. We prioritized usability, and optimization so that the management of banking procedures, requests for shifts, and loans can be requested online.


Improving the company’s corporate image
Increase customers’ loyalty
Simplify the choice of loans and financial products through virtual simulators
Optimize the management of banking procedures by doing it online
Improve customer service and communication channels
Request appointments online


Front End Technologies

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