Digital medical management platform
The project
Innovamed is a team of professionals dedicated to the development of technological solutions for the health sector, with the goal of creating simple, reliable and practical solutions that take advantage of the constant advances in digital technologies.
The client was looking Innovamed to develop a digital product designed for doctors and patients. This project was already designed in the minds of Innovamed professionals with the name DIGIDOC, our biggest challenge was to materialize it in a functional and practical way.
The process

After discussing the objectives and challenges that they wanted to face with this project, we proposed the creation of two digital projects: a web platform that allowed the management of doctors and all their daily tasks, and a mobile application designed for patients.

Get Ready
The main challenge was to design a transversal project focused on health, so we worked on creating a tool made by doctors for doctors. We focused on a product that meets quality standards and was simple, fast and safe for the industry.

This tailor-made mobile platform strengthens the link between patients and doctors, It makes it easier for users to get video calls and face-to-face medical appointments and increases the visibility and confidence of health professionals who join this platform.

Arrange medical appointments in different offices
Assemble agendas, clinical history, vademecums
Generate electronic prescriptions and medication indicated by the professional for the patients or a member of their family group.
Select doctors and request appointments by zones, schedules, categories, etc.
Manage digital IDs for health insurance, and prepaid health coverage.
Increase the visibility and professional records of doctors in relation to their patients.
Used Technologies