How we work

Our team continually reinvents itself and is open to change with the goal of innovating and thinking new things, always positioning itself from the point of view of the client and its end user.

We prioritize
your goals
At Streambe we join our clients to innovate and transform to take the experience of their users to the highest level.
We think,
design and develop
With more than ten years of experience, we think, design and develop custom digital products and technological solutions that revolutionize the look of products on the market.
We advance
as a team
Our greatest strength is centered on the creativity and ability of our human capital. We have professionals personalized by project to ensure the quality of each job.
We prioritize your goals
At Streambe we join our clients to innovate and transform to take the experience of their users to the highest level.
We think, design and develop
With more than ten years of experience, we think, design and develop custom digital products and technological solutions that revolutionize the look of products on the market.
We advance as a team
Our greatest strength is centered on the creativity and ability of our human capital. We have professionals personalized by project to ensure the quality of each job.

Our process

For each project, our first step is to get involved with our clients, to know their needs, and those of their client, so that we can do personalized and fully tailored work. Are you ready to be part of Streambe?


The first phase of any project is to discover and understand the problem. At Streambe we work side by side with our clients to put ourselves in their shoes and capture their needs in order to materialize their ideas.

Businesses are rapidly moving forward with innovative solutions to deliver a better user experience for their customers. For this reason, in this first stage we discover the needs, identify possible solutions and create a workflow that guarantees innovation and effectiveness.

Thinking outside the box and creativity is in our DNA; everyone on the team is a problem solver regardless of their role. We try to take every product we work on to the next level.



Get ready

Together, according to the different areas that correspond, we develop digital projects or fully customized and modern custom software that guarantee high quality and productivity.

We unify people, processes, methodologies and technologies to create customized IT developments under our fundamental pillars:

  • Adaptability
  • Collaborative work
  • Innovation
  • Capacity: training and human resources
  • Informatic security
  • Quality
  • Backups

Our goal is to turn today's companies into tomorrow's companies.



Our projects are designed by people for people. That is why we try to prioritize in each stage of the work what the results will be, how the functionalities will be used and what will be the impact that it will generate in its user. We think and create ideas that generate value and that are intuitive and accessible.

We care that each of our digital products and custom software designs have exceptional code quality with visible and functional results for our clients and their users.

Through our methodologies, we work together with the client at all stages of project development, making improvements and prototypes that reduce delivery times and the final result. We also join our clients on the path to product implementation, guaranteeing measurements and indicators that facilitate project productivity.



We work with the agile methodology system in order to make the team’s tasks easier and faster and deliver better final products. These types of tools are used to achieve the objectives set more quickly and flexibly, easily adapting to changes that may occur in the production process.

Agile methodologies allow teamwork and projects to be more productive, efficient, interactive and with greater adaptability. These types of methodologies are the most used and effective for projects related to digital, technology and software; which allows you to make the most of its functionalities and advantages.

At Streambe we constantly train our team with the aim of learning to work in phases, prioritizing certain activities and applying roles efficiently; so that work and creativity flow together to create an excellent final product.

Agile methodologies have four pillars:

  • Interaction between individuals
  • Efficient usability and accessibility
  • Collaborative work and communication with the client
  • Quick response and adaptability


The Scrum methodology is a type of agile methodology that is based on a development structure, where the development cycles of a product or service are broken down into small projects divided into three stages: analysis, development and testing.   The Scrum methodology is used to tackle complex projects that require flexibility and speed in order to optimize results. This allows managing, normalizing and correcting the errors that may arise during the development of the projects.   At Streambe we work side by side the client to reach the objectives more quickly, working under planning and review meetings, guided by our professionals under the four pillars of this methodology: innovation, flexibility, competitiveness and productivity.


The Lean agile methodology focuses on maximizing customer value and minimizing errors and waste, that is, producing only what is necessary under the stated objectives. With this methodology, the experience of the products is continuously validated, new ideas are produced under real tests and their operation is tested.  With the use of the Lean methodology, the main focus is on maximizing the value of the product and its final result, thus avoiding unnecessary tasks that do not add value and that generate waste; thus guaranteeing lower risks and costs, and a final product tailored and evaluated at all times by the client.


Back end technologies

Database technologies

Front end technologies

Tecnologías mobile