AESA budget platform

The process



AESA objective was to improve the way of budgeting the projects it carries
A large part of them are on a large scale and for important clients, since they are budgets
for a large number of macros, a central system was necessary that could unite different

AESA is an Argentine company dedicated to the manufacture, supply and assembly of equipment and facilities for the oil and gas industry, being a leader in the industry accompanying clients such as YPF and Gas del Estado.
Engineering / Petroleum

The project

The goals were clear: an estimating platform that would facilitate large-scale budgeting of customer requirements. It was necessary that this platform could allow the control and management of different variables: offers, deadlines, resources and costs.
Get Ready
Get Ready
Once we identified the needs and devised how the project would be carried out, he began to work on a tree-shaped programming that facilitates navigation for its users. Another of the benefits that was sought when developing the platform was the creation of templates, project versions and integrations with other platforms, such as Microsoft Project.
The result was a useful and easy-to-use platform for those in charge of the areas where the creation of budgets, offers is facilitated, as well as the availability of sensitivity and risk reports, cost summaries, personnel histogram. This platform facilitates the budgeting of requirements and specifications of BBP clients and allows the control and management of different variables of the offer, such as deadlines, resources, scope and costs.


Costs reduction
Employee time optimization
Ease and accuracy when calculating budgets
Easier navigation
Allows enabling or disabling cost nodes and scope nodes
Allows the creation of templates, project versions and integrations


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